This issue’s theme seems to have developed as a look at the Alien. Not only do we have David Grigg’s excellent piece revisiting the Alien movies as a Trilogy from Ridley Scott, but several other contributors are looking at the alien and what makes us human.
David Grigg has also just published his new SF novel, The Fallen Sun. You can find out more about it at his website,
His collections of short stories are also available from his website.
Adam delves into the worlds of manga, video games and TV series this issue.
We’re pleased to have Dianne DeBellis pondering what it means to be human after watching Westworld, and reviewing a book about the whaling industry, The North Water by Ian McGuire.
We must apologise for this issue, which has appeared late, mainly due to both editors suffering some health issues. Rest assured, we are recovered, and promise (fingers crossed!) to get the December issue out on time.
We also hear from some of our readers. We’d like to hear from more of them! Please send emails of comment (eLoCs?) to us at